BRIL (Bootstrap and Refine Iterative Locator) is an R package for multivariate mode estimate.
The BRIL algorithm estimate the main mode through three principal steps:
To browse and test this package in an online RStudio environment, follow the link below:
To cite this package, please refer to:
Adrien Brilhault, Sergio Neuenschwander, and Ricardo Rios - A New
Robust Multivariate Mode Estimator for Eye-tracking Calibration - Behavior Research Methods, 2022
To install BRIL from the GitHub repository, add first the remotes package if missing.
Then proceed to the installation of the BRIL package and its
dependencies using the install_github
function from remotes.
remotes::install_github("adrienbrilhault/BRIL", subdir = "pkg")
Note: As of May 2022, the OjaNP package
- one of of BRIC’s dependencies - has been removed from the main CRAN
repository. If missing, install it manually with the following command,
and then launch the BRIC package installation again:
remotes::install_github("cran/OjaNP", subdir = "pkg")
The package documentation is available in BRIL-manual.pdf, at, and directly in the R environment with the help commands.
If missing, install the mvtnorm package
from CRAN with the command install.packages("mvtnorm")
Then try the following example, which creates a sample multivariate
mixture, and estimates its main mode.
XY <- rbind(
rmvnorm(300, c(0,0), diag(2)*3-1),
rmvnorm(100, c(15,20), diag(2)),
rmvnorm(150, c(-10,15), diag(2)*2-0.5),
rmvnorm(200, c(5,5), diag(2)*200)
res <- bril(XY)
This repository, beyond the R package itself (in the folder pkg), provides the datasets et complementary materials related to the article “Brilhault A, Neuenschwander S, Rios R - A New Robust Multivariate Mode Estimator for Eye-tracking Calibration - 2022”
The real-world datasets used in the article, consisting of
eye-tracking calibrations, are provided in data/eyeTrackingCalibrations.Rdata,
with an illustrative video. They
contain the x
and y
positions recorded from
the eye-tracker in each trial, with their corresponding
, which includes the following attributes:
: subject name and session identifier,trial
: trial number within the session,nTrials
: total number of trials in the session,duration
: duration of trials in the session (in
: id of the calibration target displayed during
the trial,nTargets
: number of calibration targets in the
session.The table groundTruth
provides the manually annotated
reference coordinates for each of the calibration targets in every
session. The labelling procedure, shown in this video, is
described in the article, and its code available in data/groundTruthLabeling.R.
The three datasets presented in the article as Set1, Set2, and Set3 (with low, medium, and high contamination) correspond to the sessions juj011a00; ded00800, and ded005a01, respectively.
The benchmarks folder of the repository contains a series of additional scripts and materials used in our study, as for instance:
To run these notebooks interactively in JupyterLab, follow this link: