BRIL 1.0.4

  • Fixed bug in depth_values() when parameter u is provided as dataframe
  • Update article reference (Behaviour Research Method, 2022)
  • Add install command for OjaNP (after being removed from Cran)

BRIL 1.0.3

  • Fixed bug with MVE-based recursive median which could loop indefinitely
  • Fixed bug with Spatial depth median from package “depth”
  • Fixed bug with Sample Median and Multivariate Median being inverted in “median_mv()”
  • Added references to documentation
  • Added benchmarks code, and data labeling procedure to the repository

BRIL 1.0.2

  • Removed Search from Git Page (pkgdown feature not working)
  • Removed title metadata from jupyter notebook (causing warning)
  • Small fix to R-CMD-Check workflow to specify the path
  • Updates to package documentation
  • Fix docker error with library in mybinder RStudio env

BRIL 1.0.1

  • Added R-CMD-Check to Github workflow
  • Updates of the functions documentation
  • Added examples to plot.BRIL()
  • Fixes to code formatting
  • Orthographic corrections
  • Bug fix in median_mv() examples
  • Update of pkgdown website
    • use of Bootstrap 4 and Cosmo Template
    • jupyter notebooks knitted into Articles
    • added link to Keiji Matsuda website
    • functions reference grouped in sections
    • switched figures format to SVG
  • Added a file to track changes to the package